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Court and Testamentary Business, 1653/4.355
her to either of them Standing upon an Audacious pemptory Liber B. Termes. The Said Girl being by her father (brother to the Said mr Hatton) a Little before his Death recomended to the Care and tuition of her Said Uncle, who had been at great Charges about her transportacon and otherwise as he can Make ap- peare, The which unsufferable dealing of the Said Luke Gar- diner is (as I apprehend) not onely a Great affront to the Gov- ernment and an Injury to the Girls Mother and Uncle, but Likewise of very dangerous and Destructive consequence in relacon to the peace and Welfare of this Provine, These are 562 therefore in the Lord Proprs Name to Authorize and require the Said Lieutent Richard Bancks Commander of Newtowne hundred either by himself or together with Such other of the Inhabitants of this Province whom he Shall require for his assistance herein (And who are hereby required to be aiding and assisting to him upon this occasion as they will Answer the Contrary) by force of Arms or otherwise as he Shall See Cause to Seize upon the person of the Said Elinor Hatton, and to bring her before me and the Counsell at St Maries to be disposed of as Shall be fitt, And in Case of her Conceal- ment to Search the house of the Said Luke Gardiner or any other place within this Province where he the Said Lt Bancks Shall Suspect She maybe hidden Soe as She may be produced for the purpose aforesaid, As alsoe to Arrest the Said Luke Gardiner, and to bring him likwise before me and the Counsell to answer unto Such things as Shall be objected against him by the Said mr Hatton either as Attorney Generall for his Ldp or on his own behalf and to Stand to and abide the Order of Court thereupon hereof you are not to fail. Given at St Maries this third day of Aprill 1654. William Stone
Decimo April 1654. Michael Baisey this day acknowl- edgeth a Judgmt to mr Henry Coursey for one thousand pounds of Tobacco and Caske but Noe Execucon is to issue out thereupon till the tenth of December Next. Wittness his hand the day and year aforesaid the Mark of Recognit Coram me Tho: Hatton Michael x Baisey
April 10th 1653. I Thomas Mathews doe declare that the Cowe called three Tetts is to be Recorded for the Boy Peter Pakes with her female Increase Tho: Mathews test Barnaby Jackson
Memord that I Charles Thurston Marriner Attorney of mr p. 563 Richard I hurston Marriner doe acknowledge to have Received
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