[Council to C. Beatty.]
In Council 16th Decr 1778.
We inclose you a Complaint of one Peter Beaver against
Andrew Bedle who he says acted as Assistant to you in pro-
curing Waggons to go to North Carolina; he says that Bedle
will neither pay him or give a Certificate; on this the Governor
wrote to Bedle as you'll see by the Indorsement. Beaver is
down again and says that it was shewed to Bedle who refused
to give him any Satisfaction or write as desired; Beaver also
shewed us the inclosed Account of Peter Criders and says
Bedle treats him in the same Manner. If this Complaint is
well founded, Beaver and Crider we think, are very ill used
and we wish them to be righted; wherefore we request you
will make Inquiry into these Matters and, if due, give Redress,
if in your Power or if Bedle has either misapplied the Things
taken or will not give proper Certificates or the Money, we
would have you refer these People to some Gentleman of the
Law to bring Suits which is the only Way which occurs to us of
punishing such perverse Conduct.
We are &ca
Colo Chas Beatty, Lieut
of Frederick County
[Circular to Governors.]
Circular In Council Annapolis 16th Decr 1778.
We inclose you a Copy of the Act of our General Assembly
to prevent distilling Grain into Spirits, by the last Clause of
which, your Excelly will see that it is to commence at the End
of twenty Days after Proclamations shall be made by the
Governor and Council that similar Laws have taken Place in
Pennsylvania, Virginia and Delaware. The Demand for the
Army, the great Scarcity in New England and the Badness
of Crops in the neighbouring States, were Motives for passing
this Act rather than an Apprehension of internal Want, though
our Harvests have not this year been so plentiful as usual; but
the Prohibition in this State, from every Part of which Grain
may be so easily transported to others, would by no Means
C. C.
p. 2IO