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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 297   View pdf image (33K)
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          Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.     297

    tors or Assignes to pay or Cause to bee payd unto John Smith now Liber B
    in the same County Marchant or to his Certaine Atturney Executors
    Administrators or Assignes the full and iust Quantitie of eight hun
    dered and thirteene pounds of good sound Marchantable tobacco in
    Caske (ground leaues and seconds excepted) at one intire payment
    and at the now dwelling hows and Plantation of the sayd Christopher
    Russell at or befor the twentith day of October next ensuing the
    day of the date hearof as witnesse my hand this twentith & seauen
    day of februarie in the year of owr lord according to the Computa
    tion of the Church of England one thowsand six hundered sixty &
    one 1661                     Christopher Russell
  In the Presence and witnes of
        William Boules
        Robert Stronge

    endossed on the bake side of the Precedent bill as follows
     I doe hearby Constitut and appoynt John Boules of Pikiawaxen
    in Charleses Countie Planter my Lawfull atturney and Assigne for
    mee and in my name and to my use to demand Recouer and Receaue
    the within mentioned sum of 813 lb wiaght of tob: of the heirs Execu
    tors Administrators or Assignes of the within named Christopher
    Russell late deceased: and whatsoeuer lawfull act or thing hee shall [p. 32]
    doe or Cause to bee done about the Recouerie and Receipt thearof I
    doe by thees Presants Ratifie allow and Confirme as witnes my hand
    this 8th day of Aprill Ao 1662 James Smith
    Witnes Robert Robins
      Nich :    Grosse

    whearupon the defendants Craues a Referance which is granted till
    the next Court:

   Capt Josias fendall the Atturney The Plantiue aresting the defen
     of Mis Margery Batten the dant in an action of debt he pre
     administratrix to Capt William fered his Petion; but the defen
     Batten Plantiuedant Crauing a referance till the
    Mr Arthur Turner defendant    next Court thay boath withdrew
    thear papers and the Plantiue humbly Requesteth that Mr Robert
    hundley might haue thear oaths giuen them which was granted

     Mr Robert hundley Sworne and examined in open Court sayeth
    that beeing at Mr Battens hows Mr Turner and Mr Batten beeing
    a making up of thear accoumpts Mr Arthur Turner sayd that thear
    was three hundered and odd pounds of tobacco that was concerning
    henry lillys accoumpt and Mr Batten sayd it is very trew and bid his
    boy put it into the booke but whether it was payd I or no this de
    ponant knoweth not and further sayeth not:

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 297   View pdf image (33K)
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