Volume 54, Page 215 View pdf image (33K) |
Kent County Court Proceedings, 1656-1662.215 with the land of Elesabeth Commins Widdow on the south with the Liber B land of Phillipe Conner on the west with the Bay of Chesepiake on the East with the said Bay for the length of on hundred twenty flue perches and with a line Drawne from the said Bay south and By west throw the woods unto the land of the said Phillip Conner Contayn inge and now laid out for six hundred Accurs moore or lese and all woods quares mines, Royall mines only Exepeted, watters ficheinge fiching places and all other prophets and Commoditys in and upon the said land saucing to us and oure heyrs oure Royall juridicktion and signory as absolute Lords and propriatarys of the said province To haue and to hould the same unto hime the said Thomas Brodnox his heyrs and Asignes for euer To be holden of us and oure heyrs as of oure Manner of west St Marys in fre and Common sockage by feallty only for all servicese yealding and paying thearfore yearly to us & oure heyrs att oure usiall Receipt upon the said Iland twelue shillings in mony starlinge or six Bushells of good Come at the natiuity of oure Lord giuen at St Marys under oure great scale of oure sd province of Mariland the first Day of August in the yeare of oure lord on Thousand six hundred and fifty Wittnes oure said Leuetenant William Stone Know all men By thes presents that I Thomas Brodnox of Kent [fol. 96] my heyrs and Asigns haue sould and Deliuered unto William Rich ards two hundred Accurs of Land Contayned in thes pattent to his heirs or Asigns next Adjoyninge to the land of the Widdow Conners beinge Marked and Bounded as in the pattent moore or lese accord ing to survay from hime or his asigns for euer unto the said william Richards or his Asigns Wittnes my hande thes first Day of Aperell 1661 The marke of Witness James Ringgould Thomas Brodnox Tobye Wells the mark of Margrett Halle Recorded thes 8th Day of Aperell p me Tobye Wells Clk Thes presents wittnes that I William Richards of the Ile of Kent Doth accknowledg my self e to haue Bartred Bargoned and sould unto Macume Meconny his heyrs exequtors or Asigns a Cow and Calfe with the Marke as folloeth beinge Browne Coullered with an under keale on the Right eare the lift care Cropt with a Medell peace taken out of the Crope to haue and to hold hure and hure Increse for euer I the afore said William Richards Doe Acknowledg thes sale from any parson or parsons that shall lay Claime to hure or them as wittnes my hand thes 9th Day of Junne 1660 the signe of Wittnes William Hensley William Richards the mark of Robert Holton |
Volume 54, Page 215 View pdf image (33K) |
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