Volume 57, Page 322 View pdf image (33K) |
322 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1668. Liber FF herein for his satisfaction in regard he hath not received any and their humble petitioner shall pray for them Robert Perry Ordered the petitioner be allowed nine hundred pounds of tobacco Out of the publique Levy [p. 612] To the Honble the Justices of the Provinciall Court The humble Petition of John Warren Sheweth That your Petitioner hath a servant by name Henry Grist that hath been lame and bedridden this nine months, who hath been free two months during which said nine monthes your petitioner hath bin at Great cost and trouble yet the said Henry is still upon the Charge of your petitioner which is a Great damage Your petitioner humbly therefore referrs the said Henrys Case to your Honts whereby the said Henry may be releived and your petitioner disburthened, And he shall pray. Ordered that if the said Henry Grist doe not recover and be of ability to satisfie the said John Warren then that the Charge thereof be allowed by the County of St Maries. To the Right Honble the Leiftenñt Geñll The humble petition of John Cooke May it please yr Honrs That whereas yr Humble Petitioner hath made adresse the last yeare and now likewise that your Honrs would gratiously be pleased to exempt him from the Levyes being about the age of sixty yeares according to an Order by your Honr and Councell herein provided, and your petitioner shall be bound to pray for yr Honrs welfare, &c. Ordered that the Petitioner be exempted from the Levyes. This Indenture made the Nine & twentyeth day of May Anno Domini One thousand six hundred Sixtye eight Betweene Walter Pake of the County of St Maries in the Province of Maryland In- holder of the one party And John Jarbo of the said County and Province Gentl of the other party wittnesseth that the said Walter Pake for and in consideracon of the summe of foure thousand pounds of tobacco & caske to him the said Walter Pake by the said John John Jarboe in hand paid the receipt whereof the said Walter Pake doth hereby acknowledge And himse! fe to be therewith fully satisfied paid and contented & thereof & therefrom & of & from euy part & parcell thereof doth acquitt exonerate & discharge the John Jarboe Hath bargained Sold Aliened Assigned and sett over And by theis pnts Doth for and from himselfe his heires Exrs and Admrs bar- [p. 613] game Sell Alien assigne & sett over unto the said John Jarbo one tract or parcell of land conteyning five hundred acres (called St Peters |
Volume 57, Page 322 View pdf image (33K) |
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