a child fifteen years of age, or sixteen years of age, shall cause such
child to attend school or receive instruction as required by this section.
Any person who has a child under his control and who fails to com-
ply with any of the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and shall be fined not exceeding five dollars for each offense.*
1904, art. 77, sec. 166. 1804, ch. 299, sec. 139. 1906, ch. 236, sec. 139.
1918, ch. 441, sec. 168.
168. Every deaf or blind child between six and eighteen years of
age shall attend some school for the deaf or blind for eight months, on
during the scholastic year, unless it can be shown that the child is else-
where receiving regularly thorough instruction during the said period,
in studies usually taught in the said public schools to children of the
same age; provided, that the superintendent or principal of any school
for the deaf or blind, or person or persons duly authorized by such
superintendent or principal, may excuse cases of necessary absence
among its enrolled pupils; and provided, further, that the provisions
of this section shall not apply to a child whose physical condition ia
such as to render its instruction, as above described, inexpedient or im-
practicable. Every person having under his or her control a child
between six and eighteen years of age shall cause such child to attend
school or receive instruction as required by this section.
1906, ch. 236, sec. 142. 1918, ch. 441, sec. 172.
172. The prinicipal teacher of every public school in the counties
and the truant officers of the City of Baltimore shall, within thirty
days from the beginning of the school year succeeding March 31, 1906,
furnish the Board of County School Commissioners or the Board of
Education of Baltimore City, as the case may be, with the names of all
children who are deaf, blind or feeble minded, between the ages of six
and eighteen years, inclusive, living within the boundaries of his or
her school district who do not attend school. And the board of county
school commissioners or board of education of Baltimore City shall cer-
tify forthwith the names of all such deaf, blind or feeble minded chil-
dren to the respective principals of the State schools for such children.
1904, art. 77, sec. 169. 1904. ch. 584, sec. 2. 1916, ch. 506, sec. 173.
173. Wherever the words "superintendent of public education"
occur in this Article, they shall be construed to mean state superintend-
ent of schools; wherever the words "board of county school commis-
sioners" occur, they shall be construed to mean "county board of edu-
cation" ; and wherever the words "board of district school trustees"
occur, they shall be construed to mean "district board of school trus-
*Section 4 of the act of 1912. chapter 173 (see page 821 of volume 3 of the
code), was repealed by the act of 1916, chapter 506.