Director for 1837. TUR
+Trusty Aaron, porter, Little Sharp st n of Lexington
++Tryis Francis, drayman, Wayne st w of Howard
Tucker Samuel, carpenter, Pine st n of Mulberry
Tucker William A/president of Insurance Co. 10 Saratoga st
Tucker Mrs Henrietta, Monument, st iv of Canal
Tucker Margaret, hat binder, 29 n Exeter et
Tucker Thos, bricklayer, e Baltimore st betw Eden and Spring
Tucker Mrs Sarah, Hill st. betw Light and Charles
Tucker John H. chair maker, Pratt st w of Harford Run
Tucker John B. tobacconist, 37 Market st f. p.
Tucker William, shoe maker, 90 Bond st
Tucker G. W. apothecary, s e cor Pratt and Eden sts
Tucker Silas, shoe maker, Holliday st n of Baltimore, dw Apple
alley s of Baltimore st [Bond
Tucker Henry, fancy store, 96 Baltimore st. dw cor Wilk and
Tucker Joseph, dry croods merchant, 75 Baltimore st
Tucker Thomas T. &, Brothers, lottery office and exchange
brokers, s e cor Baltimore st and Centre Market space
Tuckey Elisha, painter and glazier, Caroline st s of Pratt
Tudor Robert, carpenter, Low st n of Forest
Tufts & Schetter, manufacturers of glass, 32 s Charles st
Tufts Wm. merchant, St. Paul's st s of Franklin
++Tue Thomas, labourer, Light st extended
Tumblinson Wm. boat builder, Spear's whf. dw 134 Hanover st
Tunis Alexander, cordwainer, Sterling st 2d door from Mott
Tunis Thomas, mariner, Caroline st s of Orleans
Turell & Co. tobacconists, 14 n Howard st
Turnbull John, shoe maker, Bank st 1 door e of Eden
Turnbull Alexander, domestic warehouse, 175 Baltimore st. dw
50 n Charles st
Turnbull Henry, dw 50 n Charles st
Turner Joshua M. victualler, n e cor Gist and e Baltimore Sts
Turner Thomas, shoe maker, Lancaster st e of Market
Turner Mary, Wolf st e of Alice Anna
Turner Capt. John D. 10 Bank st
Turner Isaac, butcher, cor Bank and Bond Sts
Turner Caleb, Bond st n of Gough
Turner John, labourer, Lerew's alley near Madison st
Turner Jacob jr. lumber merchant, 28 Light st whf. dw Hanover
Turner Joshua L. grocer, 58 n Gay st [st s of Conway
Turner Mrs. Mott st near Sterling
Turner Mrs. French st near East
Turner Joseph & Co. proprietors of planing and grooving mill,
Barre st w of tight
Turner Charles R. carpenter, George st e of Pine
Turner Frederick K. ivory turner, 44 Eutaw st. dw Long alley
Turner Lewis victuallar, Penn, av n of Hoffman st [n of Franklin
Turner Richard, carpenter, Biddle st n of Pe»n. avenue
Turner Thomas, clerk, Columbia st w of Green