Cafferty Mr. keeper at Penitentiary, Canal st s of Jefferson
Caffrey Thomas, grocer, corner Pratt and Paca sts
Caho Thomas, sawyer, Lombard st w of Amity
Gain Aaron, agent and constable, Cove st 3 doors s of Vine
Cain John, carter, Columbia st w of Cove
Cain Thomas, watchman at western bank, Baltimore st w of Pine
Cain Thomas, 106 Dugan's wharf
Caiahan Wm. hatter, 2 n Charles st
Caldwell Wm. Q. carpenter, Fayette st n side w of Gay, dw cor-
ner Humes and Exeter sts
Caldwell Wm. type founder, 116 n Calvert st
Caldwell D. dyer, 122 n Calvert st
Caldwell Abraham, merchant tailor, dw 80 n Howard st
Caldwell Wm. clothing store, 75 n Howard st. dw n e corner
Howard and Saratoga sts
Caldwell James A. chairmaker, 25 and 27 s Calvert st. dw Pitt
st e of Aisquith
Caldwell Edwin, plane maker, Calvert st. dw Paca near Franklin
Caldwell Wm. boiler maker, William st s of Hamburg
Caldwell Wm. H. grocer, corner Lancaster st and Happy alley
Caldwell Charles, stevadore, Argyle alley near Wilk st
Caldwell J. C. block and pump maker, send McElderry's wharf
Calhoun Benjamin C. dw Fayette st between Pine and Cove
Calhoun mrs Lydia, St Paul st s of Pleasant
Callan John, grocer, n w corner York avenue and Monument st
Callender mrs Sarah, bakery, e side Exeter st s of Granby
Callender & Salisbury, merchant tailors, 3 n Howard st
Callender Wm. plaisierer, Aisquith sun of Thomsen
Callis James, carpenter President st e of Stiles
Callow Wm. keeper of carts, corner German and Penn sts
Callow John, merchant tailor, 108 w Pratt st
Calvert John, stone cutter, Carpenter's alley e of Penn st
Camara Da Joze B. wine and commission merchant, 9 n Freder-
ick st, dw 11 do.
Cambell John, corner Pratt and High sts
Cambell mrs Jane, Bath st e of Davis
Cambell John, corner Pratt and High sts
Cameron Rachel, tailoress, Ensor st near Monument
Camp James L. confectioner and fruit dealer, 253 Baltimore st
Campario John L. grocer, corner Charles and Henrietta sts
Campbell J. Mason, attorney at law, n e cor Courtland and Lex-
Campbell mrs Nancy, Pierce st w of Chatsworth [ington
Campbell R. S. labourer, Forest st s of Orleans
Campbell Robert, labourer, e side Happy alley n of Alice Anna st
Campbell Peler, w side Hurh st n of Stiles
Campbell Ross, dry goods merchant, 12 s Charles st up stairs
Campbell R. & A. importers of watches, jewelry, and military
goods and lamps, 155 Baltimore st
Campbell Robert, of firm, dw s w cor Charles and Lexington sts
Campbell John, carpenter, 289 n Howard st
Campbell Thomas, Biddle st near Ross