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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1760-1763
Volume 543, Page 244b   View pdf image
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   June Court         1763       244
Brought up &NBSP;&NBSP; £  S  D
1 Cruit [?] 2 Salts & 1 Peper Box 1/6 5 Dish Matts 3/4 &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..4..10 &NBSP;&NBSP; And Whereupon the said Benjamin Burridge
9 Mettles Spoons 1 Porringer & 1 Bason &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..5..3 &NBSP;&NBSP; by George Hayward his Attorney comes and says that
6 Peices of Cypress Ware 10/ 1 Brush 1/6 &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..11..6 &NBSP;&NBSP; he the afsd: Benjamin Burridge is ready to answer
1 Tray 1/6 1 Nest of Draws pine 12/6 16lb Fatt @ 6d &NBSP;&NBSP; 1..2..0 &NBSP;&NBSP; the afsd: Levin Ballard in a plea of trespass upon the
23 3/4 Bushl Corn 2 2/3 &NBSP;&NBSP; 1..10..9 1/2 &NBSP;&NBSP; case according to Law and to give him the said Levin
1 Ink stand 2/ 3 Pocket Books 2/6 &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..4..6 &NBSP;&NBSP; Special Bail to the afsd: plea & to stand & Abide the Judge
1 Trunkfull of Books &NBSP;&NBSP; 2..10..0 &NBSP;&NBSP; -ment of the Court thereupon &c
1 Scale & Dividers 6/9 1 Coat & Breeches £3..0..0 &NBSP;&NBSP; 3..6..9 &NBSP;&NBSP; Thereupon a certain Littleton Dennis, William Hay-
1 pr Trowsers 5/ 1 Brown Holland Vest 4/ &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..9..0 &NBSP;&NBSP; -ward, William Allen, George Hayward, Thomas
1 Dimity Vest 10/ 1 pr Stockings 3/9 1 Wigg 10/ &NBSP;&NBSP; 1..3..9 &NBSP;&NBSP; Hayward Junr, Thomas Robertson, Josias Hanson,
1 Diaper Table Cloth 12/6 1 Ditto 7/6 1 ditto 3/9 &NBSP;&NBSP; 1..3..9 &NBSP;&NBSP; John Done, John Dennis Junr, George Farrington,
18 Sheep Tann'd & Dresed & some Fragments &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..15..0 &NBSP;&NBSP; Henry Lowes Junr, & Joseph Forman of Somerset
2 Clamps with Wooden Screws 1 Do with Iron Screws &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..15..0 &NBSP;&NBSP; County Gentlemen all present here in Court in their
A percell of Book Binders small Tools &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..7..6 &NBSP;&NBSP; proper persons undertook for the said Benjamin Bur-
3 Gimblets and Bung Borer & Cartouch box &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..1..6 &NBSP;&NBSP; -ridge and assumed upon themselves (& Each of them)
2lb Glue 2/ &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..2..0 &NBSP;&NBSP; that if it should happen that Judgement in the plea
A percell of Pastboard and Line &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..5..0 &NBSP;&NBSP; afsd: should be rendred for the said Levin Ballard
1 Horse very old &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..7..6 &NBSP;&NBSP; against the afsd: Benjamin Burridge or that the
2 old Barrells &NBSP;&NBSP; 0..2..0 &NBSP;&NBSP; said Benjamin should be therein Convict that then
9 Cords of Wood &NBSP;&NBSP; 2..14..0 &NBSP;&NBSP; he the said Benjamin should pay & satisfy unto the

&NBSP; 36..2..4
Appraise by us    Robt Geddes W. Skirvin Samuel
Wilkins Jnt Anderson
afsd Levin Ballard the Judgement of the Court thereupon or render his body in Execution of such Judge
-ment to the prison of the sheriffe of the County afsd: in satisfaction thereof or that they the said Little-
-ton Dennis, William Hayward, William Allen, George Hayward, Thomas Hayward Junr, Thomas
Robertson, Josias Hanson, John Done, John Dennis Junr, George Farrington, Henry Lowes Junr &
Joseph Forman (& each of them) will do the same for him &c
Whereupon the said Levin Ballard complained against the afsd Benjamin Burridge in
the plea afsd in form following                 Somerset To wit Benjamin Burridge late of Somer-
-set County Gentleman was attached to answer unto Levin Ballard of a plea of Trespass upon the
Case & So Forth            And Whereupon the said Levin by Samuel Wilson his Attorney Complains
that whereas the said Benjamin and the said Levin (to wit) on the Eighth day of January
in the year of our Lord God seventeen hundred sixty and two at the county afsd did account toge-
-ther concerning divers and sundry Sums of Money, from the said Benjamin to the said Levin
before that Time due and unpaid and upon that accounting the said Benjamin was found in
arrear to the said Levin in Fifty three pounds four shilings & six pence half penny Current money
of Maryland and in arrear found so being in consideration thereof afterwards to wit the day & year
afsd at the County afsd: upon himself did assume & to the said Levin did then and there faithfully
promise that he the said Benjamin the said Fifty three pounds four shilings and six pence half
                                                        pay &
-penny current Money afsd to the said Levin would well and truly ^ satisfy when he the said Ben-
-jamin should be thereunto afterwards required, and Whereas also the said Benjamin on the seven-
-teenth day of December in the year of our Lord God one thound seven hundred sixty and two
at the County afsd: was Indebted to the said Levin in the sum of fifty four pounds Eighteen shilings
and three pence halfpenny Current Money of Maryland for the severall Matters and things in the
Account hereto Annexed mentioned and specifyed and so thereof being Indebted in consideration thereof
afterwards (To wit) the day & year last afsd: at the county afsd: upon himself did Assume and to the
said Levin then and there did faithfully promise that he the said Benjamin the said Sum of
fifty four pounds eighteen shilings and three pence halfpenny Currt: Money afsd: to the said Levin
when he the said Benjamin should be thereunto afterwards required would well and truly pay & con
-tent Nevertheless the said Benjamin his several promises and assumptions afsd. so as afsd: made
not regarding but Fraudulently Intending him the said Levin in this behalf craftily and subtilly to


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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1760-1763
Volume 543, Page 244b   View pdf image
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